Lilas and The Dance of Creation

Lilas and The Dance of Creation

Lilas and The Dance of Creation “There is an old Sanskrit word, lila, which means…divine play, the play of creation, destruction, and re-creation of the cosmos”.- Stephen Nachmanovitch When you decide to embark on a journey into Rebirthing Breathwork,...
Contraindications for Breathwork

Contraindications for Breathwork

Contraindications for Breathwork Medical Contraindications It is your responsibility to disclose all medical conditions to your Rebirther, however minor. Epilepsy Detached Retina Glaucoma High Blood Pressure that is not controlled with medication. Cardiovascular...
What is Life Mastery?

What is Life Mastery?

What is Life Mastery? Rebirthing is not only about the BREATH We take a wholistic approach – you embark on a journey to understand the whole of who you are. The ultimate aim is to Master your Life… So we start with Breath Mastery and during your sessions...
Breathwork Sessions

Breathwork Sessions

Breathwork Sessions Begin your journey to freedom… Through connected breathing, unresolved emotional experiences, forgotten memories, buried feelings, energy blockages, belief systems and unconscious attitudes surface. When experiencing connected breathing a...
Personal Law

Personal Law

Personal Law FIND OUT what the biggest lie you created about yourself is Our Critical Period is the time between conception and two years old. For the majority of people, it is during this period that our Personal Law is formed.  When you uncover what your Personal...