Breathwork Articles
Icy Water Urgency Barrier
Have you REALLY confronted yourself recently? A dip in the icy cold Irish sea is no mean feat. The cold water swimmers who meet daily to swim are really impressive, they have broken through the urgency barrier. They casually quip, “it's Baltic out there,” as they...
Breathing From The Breath Itself
Magnum Mysterium Spiritus The Great Mystery of the Breath lies in these words, by Leonard Orr: You can only learn to breathe from the breath itself. Spiritus is one Latin word for breath, in which breathing and spirit are merged. This is the outcome of intuitive...
Normalising the Mystical Through Breathwork
Today, Mystic Mag had the chance to interview Breathworker Ciara Longman. We talked about her career, how it developed, and what she loves most about her profession. Once you find the resources inside of you, to move through difficult thoughts and experiences you...
Lilas and The Dance of Creation
"There is an old Sanskrit word, lila, which means…divine play, the play of creation, destruction, and re-creation of the cosmos”.- Stephen Nachmanovitch When you decide to embark on a journey into Rebirthing Breathwork, you'll realise it is not a mere feat. The...
Contraindications for Breathwork
Medical Contraindications It is your responsibility to disclose all medical conditions to your Rebirther, however minor. Epilepsy Detached Retina Glaucoma High Blood Pressure that is not controlled with medication. Cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities...
What is Life Mastery?
Rebirthing is not only about the BREATH We take a wholistic approach - you embark on a journey to understand the whole of who you are. The ultimate aim is to Master your Life... So we start with Breath Mastery and during your sessions you will initially experience...
by Leonard Orr
About Conscious Breathing
If you hold your breath for a few minutes, just one breath becomes the most valuable thing in the world... Therefore learning how to breathe better might be the most important thing that we can do with our money. And yet people spend $1000, which is a couple of car...
Eternal Life Energy
Eternal Life EnergyThe state of transcendence resurrects the health of the body, organizes it, or reorganizes it... This has been studied scientifically by biologists. Eternal Life Energy keeps the organism organized. Death is caused by disorganization in the organism...
by Leonard Orr We are Spirit or Energy, Mind, and Body. Energy is always perfect, whole, and transcendent. The question of quality doesn’t arise for our Infinite Energy Source. It is always high quality Infinite Eternal Life – Energy evenly distributed throughout space and time. Therefore the question of quality only applies to the realms […]
Birth Types
Why is birth so important? Because it has a lot to do with the patterns that we manifest as we move through life and consequently give birth to moments in our life. Ciara Longman discusses the impact various birth types have on our lives. Even what is considered a...
Birth Order
Why is birth order so important? It's the order number of which you were born in relation to your siblings. You may even be be an only child, getting lots of attention or have many siblings to compete with. Do you always end up being the peace maker? one of the...