“One third of women report their birth experience as being traumatic”.
– UK Birth Trauma Association
In addition to warm water Rebirthing for babies, Craniosacral therapy (CST) can be useful for babies who have experienced head trauma, as well as many other birth injuries. It is often used for babies who experienced a difficult delivery.
During the birth process, the bones of babies skulls are able to move. This allows the baby’s head to change its shape in order to fit through the birth canal, and then the mother’s pelvis. The cranium bones may override each other in order to accommodate the birth process. The bones usually move back into place naturally.
However, if the baby experiences any aspect of the birth as stressful, distressing or even traumatic, these cranial compressions can become more firmly locked into the system along with high levels of shock, neurological charge and emotional intensity.
As a result, various problems can result from this including; motor impairment, breathing problems and digestive issues.
Aside from injuries, CST is also effective for an array of other common problems that babies experience, including nursing and feeding problems, colic, teething issues and more.
Wendy Steele a Craniosacral Therapist from Antrim, Northern Ireland has been working with mothers and babies for 20 years.
“My great joy is to work with mothers, babies and children who I find are often suffering from the effects of birth trauma.”
Birth Trauma from difficult pregnancy and birth can result in unhappy babies who may have feeding problems and difficulties settling and bonding with their mothers. The babies respond well and can easily release tensions held in their systems.
During covid Wendy trained and began to work remotely with clients using mobile video or Zoom. This can be especially effective for the client, as the treatment can take place in their own homes or familiar surroundings. So it works better for both mothers and babies. The babies can be held, feeding, sleeping, and in their cots, or even in bed with their moms.
“For me working remotely feels magical. It is like turning an old fashioned radio dial to find the wavelength/frequency of the client Then once this resonance is established the baby and client relaxes into the lovingly held space, and is able to release any holding patterns from birth.”
Wendy works in-person in Northern Ireland and remotely worldwide.
Mobile 44 (0) 7843958799
Wendy Steele B Sc, Craniosacral therapist.
Sessions Cost £55 / $70
I typically allow an hour to settle together, establish a connection. For a baby the treatment time can be shorter but we allow that length. It is a kindness to yourself and baby, infant to allow time of relaxation. The child needs rest, as may an adult.
What Cranialsacral Therapy (CST) Can Help With:
CST with Babies and Children
As a teacher of Special Needs and a background specialising in Autism, I find CST to be an extremely effective resource for babies and infants . Resulting from birth trauma experienced by mother and baby, the baby can experience symptoms of colic, feeding difficulties, sleeping problems and general restlessness. Often one or two treatments can resolve the problems. An initial discussion about pregnancy and birth, can open the doors to new understanding , and healing.
Remote CST
Nearly 3 years ago I trained in remote CST and find this also very effective with mothers and babies. We work via zoom to maintain visual contact. Babies are highly sensitive and aware of being held in healing support across the oceans, which magically allows them to relax and release tensions held in their bodies since birth. I have worked with babies only a few days old (and even under 24 hours).
What a treatment looks like
I find it especially effective for the mother, parent to be holding the baby. Behaving as normally as possible which cn mean feeding, ‘burping’, sleeping (I have treated mother and baby in bed together remotely) just whatever relaxes, and encourages close bonding.
They can be typically running around, curious, exploring, noisy, either live or with zoom. Either way the infant is being held and worked with energetically by me and they often sense this and settle down. I worked with a 2 year old and her mum in a mutual friend’s house in Belfast. The child was restless and unhappy. Just as we were ending and putting the wee girls coat on, she relaxed and I could feel an energetic healing shift as she realised her mum was not going to leave her!
Older children and teenagers
It can be such a treat for them to experience light gentle touch without too much conversation, unless volunteered. Life can be stressful and difficult and outwardly may manifest with skin difficulties, behaviour problems, anxiety, stress. Lately, while working remotely, one stressed teenager happily relaxed, dozed through the session and the next day came out with the highest exam marks (in maths) he had ever experienced! Well done him! The point is to offer the whole body, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually the opportunity through this gentle yet deeply resourcing touch (or remote intention) , an opportunity to relax, re-balance.
Autism and Highly Sensitives
So many babies, infants, are being diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, allergies, conditions of sensitivity to the environment. As well as the medical approach, CST will support child and families, this treatment will meet the child exactly where they are on all levels and provide support, the opportunity to release old holding patterns, and relaxation.
Pregnancy, menstruation, Infertility, menopause
As women we can experience difficulties around our reproductive organs which can result in tension and stress which is often exacerbated from social and familial expectation. CST knows no judgement but supports support towards balance and harmony.
The therapy can also offer wonderful support for pregnancy or for women wishing to become pregnant.
In-person Craniosacral Treatment

Working With Babies

About Wendy
I live in Northern Ireland. My background was a teacher of Special Needs working in London and later in Belfast. I trained with the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust in London, qualifying in 2003 and have practised even since in clinics in Belfast including the Belfast Chiropractic Clinic Have regularly attended post graduate courses with excellent teachers such as Franklin Sills (Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy), Mike Boxhall (The Empty Chair: The Teaching not the T-shirt), Claire Dolby (Mothers and Babies)
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