Ciara’s Early Experience of Rebirthing Breathwork

When I first unblocked my breathing mechanism it felt like a pressure valve popped and I felt instant relief. It was wonderful to feel what is was like to breathe full breaths again.

Everyone has different life experiences and so, no two sessions are the same. Your experience may be completely different to mine.

After this the work really began – and I remember during sessions experiencing childhood situations, the pain of unborn children and bullying. So much tension had been stored in my body.

All kinds of feelings and sensations came up which can be difficult and I wanted to stop breathing. So having the support of a Rebirther guiding me helped me move through the experience. rather than just giving up.

As children when a difficult experience came up we suppressed it or told we’re not allowed to feel it. Breathing allows the energy of that feeling to be released and go through to completion without being suppressed.

It wasn’t easy and my mind played many tricks on me to try and disrupt me from continuing, but I kept breathing through it, and it was really worth it. Memories were shown to me and I felt pain in my body. By continuing to breathe the pains gave way to coming to a place of peace and serenity. Sometimes my body felt like it was floating, I felt light and free – not a care in the world.

I finally came to a womb memory of not wanting to be born and coming out into the world. I wanted to stay put. My mum told me she fell at 7 months and my head got wedged into her pelvis. I was a late birth and the obstetrician was considering a caesarian. Whilst re-experiencing this during a session I had a feeling of oh no this cannot happen! My mum went to the toilet and as she crouched, her pelvis unlocked and I starting coming out. I was born in 4 minutes!

It’s not an overnight process, after a minimum of ten personal sessions most people feel able to breathe themselves through issues which may arise. I encourage anyone who has had ten sessions to sit with another breather because simply having the presence of another person there with you when you breathe makes such a difference. When you feel like giving up there’s someone there to support you.

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