About Conscious Breathing

About Conscious Breathing

About Conscious Breathing If you hold your breath for a few minutes, just one breath becomes the most valuable thing in the world… Therefore learning how to breathe better might be the most important thing that we can do with our money. And yet people spend...
Eternal Life Energy

Eternal Life Energy

Eternal Life Energy  The state of transcendence resurrects the health of the body, organizes it, or reorganizes it… This has been studied scientifically by biologists. Eternal Life Energy keeps the organism organized. Death is caused by disorganization...
Conscious Connected Breathing

Conscious Connected Breathing

Conscious Connected Breathing Connect your in-breath to your out-breath… …and your out-breath to your in-breath. Conscious connected breathing is also known as circular breathing and originally coined as rebirthing. This technique of breathing is helpful...
Conscious Guide to Khajuraho

Conscious Guide to Khajuraho

Conscious Guide to Khajuraho  Don’t judge a temple by its sculptures Come and experience Khajuraho.Khajuraho is known worldwide as the place of the tantra temples. Don’t judge a temple by its sculptures! Let go of all the preconceptions you have about...
Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity Consciousness Have fun playing the Money Game This workshop Handout accompanies the Prosperity Consciousness workshop. It can be done on your own but it is more powerful to have someone do it with you, whom you are accountable to. This workshop was called...