
Breathwork Articles

Breathwork Sessions

Breathwork Sessions

Begin your journey to freedom... Through connected breathing, unresolved emotional experiences, forgotten memories, buried feelings, energy blockages, belief systems and unconscious attitudes surface. When experiencing connected breathing a person may feel sensations...

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Personal Law

Personal Law

FIND OUT what the biggest lie you created about yourself isOur Critical Period is the time between conception and two years old. For the majority of people, it is during this period that our Personal Law is formed.  When you uncover what your Personal Law is, you can...

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“YH (inhale): WH (exhale).” There was a moment when Moses had the nerve to ask God what his name is. God was gracious enough to answer, and the name he gave is recorded in the original Hebrew as YHWH. Over time we’ve arbitrarily added an “a” and an “e” in there to get...

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On Breath and Breathing

On Breath and Breathing

Many people have asked me to outline the basic steps that lead to Breath Mastery... And so I offer a simple plan to create and develop your own self-directed personal practice. Here are seven important steps to Breath Mastery: Practicing Breath Awareness Playing with...

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Breath Diagnosis

Breath Diagnosis

Most of us are breathing unconsciously most of the time – it just happens without having to think about it... So, how would you know if your breathing was supporting you in every way possible – or if you are sub-ventilating and creating problems for your body? These...

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Eternal Life Energy

Eternal Life Energy

Eternal Life EnergyThe state of transcendence resurrects the health of the body, organizes it, or reorganizes it... This has been studied scientifically by biologists. Eternal Life Energy keeps the organism organized. Death is caused by disorganization in the organism...

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by Leonard Orr

Enlightened Politics

Self Employed Public Minister This is a wonderful new job opportunity for millions of people all over the world. It is a great professional career, equal to any other profession, such as doctor, lawyer, psychologist, sales, or retail business. The Self-Employed Public Minister is an elected neighborhood representative who is a community service humanitarian. This […]

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Ignorance and Wisdom: The Eight Biggies

Spiritual Purification – The rules of Life People can live in happiness or misery. Ignorance leads to misery. Wisdom can produce happiness. We choose Life or death every day. Every month we are happier and more alive, or we are more tense, more miserable, and more dead. People rarely die in one day, they spend […]

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Spiritual Purification and Life Mastery

Read an excerpt from Leonard’s book, Energy Management. There is enough information in this one page to increase your personal aliveness exponentially. The secret is in applying this information in you daily practice. ~*~ ENERGY MANAGEMENT By Leonard Orr I’ve been working on a book about personal energy management for a few years. I think […]

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