It helps to purify and clear your physical space to create a more positive relaxing atmosphere.

Infusion of Environmental Elemental Essences:

Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether

As the elemental essences help to restore the health of the elements in the body, and strengthen the receptivity of life force or prana in the related chakra, it became evident that they could achieve a similar effect in a space. ‘Sanctuary” spray was born and proved to be very effective. It centres, grounds and empowers with the invigorating vital life force of the elements.

The elemental essences of nature combine in Sacred Space to purify the atmosphere. Earth element represents foundations, stability, the physical realm and the power and beauty of the Earth. Water element is life giving, cleanses and purifies, and will flow into any space that allows it entry. It influences our subconscious forces.

Fire element projects vitality and enthusiasm, and promotes creativity through its stirring radiant currents. Air element corresponds to the realm of the intellect and is also about communication. It is stimulating and brings inspiration, allowing your imagination to flow.

Sacred Space also contains pure essential oils of Rose alba, the pure white rose, and Frankincense, that release a fine, delicate fragrance to further enhance the harmonious energy.

Sacred Space purifies and clears stressful or ‘stuck’ energy in the home, workplace and personal aura. It can be used professionally, for example in the busy work place, where negative energy emitted from computers, office equipment and stressed-out colleagues can seriously affect decision-making and your own stress levels.

Sacred Space helps transmute negative energy, restores calm and tranquillity, and creates a more positive atmosphere in which to work, meditate, or simply “be”.