Peace Arnold
Rebirthing Trainer
Virginia ‘Peace’ Arnold, is a Master Rebirther and Grief Recovery Specialist with a background in Oriental Healing Arts and Energy development.
Peace served as director of complementary healing arts at Comprehensive Pain Management in NYC under Dr Gary Thomas which served as pain management clinic for two NYC Hospitals, at that time.
An ordained Interfaith-Interspiritual Minister, Peace began her training in Rebirthing Breathwork in 2003 with Sondra Ray and Maureen Malone and then ‘accidentally’ made contact with Leonard Orr, founder of Rebirthing Breathwork and the International Rebirthing Breathwork Movement. This meeting with Leonard was life changing. Peace began, what developed into, a 3 year personal training with Leonard into his entire system and an additional 2 years managing RBI Headquarters and bookstore in Virginia in his absence. Through Leonard, Peace has met and organized for many of the original team of Rebirthers from the early days. It has been an interesting and rewarding experience.
Spiritual purification with fire
Peace’s Talks
Glastonbury Landscape Zodiac
The Little Yellow Book The first time I came to Glastonbury I was given a yellow booklet called The Glastonbury Zodiac. A friend had visited some of the sites and asked if I wanted to join her on an adventure. I simply couldn't resist, my curiosity was piqued and it...
Breathwork Journey Workbook
Going through 10 conscious connected breathing (CCB) sessions with a professional CCB Breathworker is transformational journey and this workbook will help you navigate through the sessions. Correcting your breathing is just the beginning of the journey. It is a...
Lake Atitlán the Heart of the Americas
You can't leave Lake Atitlán without your heart being transformed. Lake Atitlán is located in the heart of the Americas and is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. Atitlán is a local Nahuatl (pronounced Nahwal) word and translates to - at the waters....
Christian Science and Rebirthing Breathwork a Meeting of Divine Love
“Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual,—neither in nor of matter,—and the body will then utter no complaints. If suffering from a belief in sickness, you will find yourself suddenly well” (Science and Health, p. 14). -...