Peace Arnold
Rebirthing Trainer
Virginia ‘Peace’ Arnold, is a Master Rebirther and Grief Recovery Specialist with a background in Oriental Healing Arts and Energy development.
Peace served as director of complementary healing arts at Comprehensive Pain Management in NYC under Dr Gary Thomas which served as pain management clinic for two NYC Hospitals, at that time.
An ordained Interfaith-Interspiritual Minister, Peace began her training in Rebirthing Breathwork in 2003 with Sondra Ray and Maureen Malone and then ‘accidentally’ made contact with Leonard Orr, founder of Rebirthing Breathwork and the International Rebirthing Breathwork Movement. This meeting with Leonard was life changing. Peace began, what developed into, a 3 year personal training with Leonard into his entire system and an additional 2 years managing RBI Headquarters and bookstore in Virginia in his absence. Through Leonard, Peace has met and organized for many of the original team of Rebirthers from the early days. It has been an interesting and rewarding experience.
Spiritual purification with fire
Peace’s Talks
On Breath and Breathing
Many people have asked me to outline the basic steps that lead to Breath Mastery... And so I offer a simple plan to create and develop your own self-directed personal practice. Here are seven important steps to Breath Mastery: Practicing Breath Awareness Playing with...
Breath Diagnosis
Most of us are breathing unconsciously most of the time – it just happens without having to think about it... So, how would you know if your breathing was supporting you in every way possible – or if you are sub-ventilating and creating problems for your body? These...
Intelligent Energy
Energy becomes what it thinks about... This is the most basic truth about Life. If you really understand these words, you are spiritually enlightened. Energy becomes what it thinks about. Energy is the Source of all things. Energy is Infinite Being, the Eternal...
About Conscious Breathing
If you hold your breath for a few minutes, just one breath becomes the most valuable thing in the world... Therefore learning how to breathe better might be the most important thing that we can do with our money. And yet people spend $1000, which is a couple of car...