Patsy Brennan
Breathworker & Trainer
Patsy is the mother of breathwork in Ireland. She trained with many teachers in the 1980s and organised for Sondra Ray. Patsy taught Breathwork in her native Ireland before moving to North America.
Patsy’s Talks
Lake Atitlán the Heart of the Americas
You can't leave Lake Atitlán without your heart being transformed. Lake Atitlán is located in the heart of the Americas and is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. Atitlán is a local Nahuatl (pronounced Nahwal) word and translates to - at the waters....
Christian Science and Rebirthing Breathwork a Meeting of Divine Love
“Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual,—neither in nor of matter,—and the body will then utter no complaints. If suffering from a belief in sickness, you will find yourself suddenly well” (Science and Health, p. 14). -...
The Leonard Orr Method of Rebirthing Breathwork
1970s Rebirthing Breathwork When Rebirthing Breathwork was first discovered the original Rebirthers used mouth breathing because they breathed through a snorkel in a hot tub. The original Rebirthers spread conscious connected breathing across the world and created...