Malva sylvestris


Mallow has been valued as a medicine since ancient times and was believed to be a cure-all. The meaning given in the language of flowers is beneficence and kindness.

According to mythology, mallows were the first gift sent to earth by the gods to prove that they had humanity’s best interests at heart.

Creative thought and inspiration flow from the unity of body and soul, mind and heart. From this alignment the wisdom of the heart, the inherent wisdom of your true self manifests through thought, words and actions.

When you are overly detached from your feelings or preoccupied with your own thoughts, you can get stuck in your thinking pattern and hardened in your feelings.

There is no separation between thought and feeling for they ultimately exist in a continuum. Mallow flower essence helps to bridge the polarities between thought and feeling.

You can hear the purity in a person’s heart as they vocalise. When you resonate with the clear note that is sounded by the soul, it resounds through the heart and mind. Mallow flower essence helps you to think with your heart.

A divine idea or high ideal may then be realised and expressed with heartfelt meaning, reflecting the purpose perfectly and in accordance with your intention.

This is grace, and grace can be defined as your divine nature in action.

Unite thinking with feeling by accessing the wisdom of your true self. Think and communicate from the heart.


Practical, concrete expression and application of thoughts and ideas

Harmonise thinking with feeling

Reason and intuition working together

Clear and heartfelt communication

Flow of creative life energy through the heart

Ability to discern and express ‘the good, the true and the beautiful’


Detachment of thinking and feeling functions

Awkwardness when expressing your feelings in words

Indecisive vacillation from over-analysis of all options and sides

Over-intellectualising rather than expressing your feelings

Abandonment of the intuition and relying solely on reason and logic

Fixed ideas overpowering creativity

Affirmation: I harmonise love and will. I speak and act from the heart.

Cross Reference

Attunement Ι Awareness Ι Clarity Ι Communication Ι Decision Ι Intuition Ι Male/Female balance Ι Polarity Ι Receptivity Ι Reconciliation Ι Relationship Ι Separation Ι Speaking

Thinking/Thought patterns Ι Wisdom Ι Writing