Lago Atitlán

The Heart of the Heart

Lake Atitlán is the spiritual hub of Guatemala and the heart energy of the lake environs is quite phenomenal. The lake is located not only in the heart of Guatemala but also it is the heart of the Americas and is the central point of the rainbow bridge.


Situated in the Guatemalan Central Highlands, and bordered by three volcanoes, Lake Atitlán is the deepest lake in Central America and is also a volcano crater. The scenery around the lake is stunning and we will be hiking to see the views.

The lake is famous for the Mayan villages that circle around its shores. Ninth-century Panajachel has been a tourist destination since the 1960s. However, in Santiago Atitlán, residents are known for their worship of Maximo, a local idol that fuses Mayan gods, Catholic saints, and Spanish legends.

Mayan ceremonies still take place at various sites around the lake, in caves and at the top of hills bordering the lake. The lake’s shores are abundant with archeological sites and ruins of pre-Spanish towns, including Chiutinamit, a mythological “underwater city.” Visit the town of San Marcos the main place to for a spiritual break with therapies and events.

A Conscious Guide to Lake Atitlán is in the making! so watch this space.

Mayan Altar

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