Hermit Cave

Find solitude in this hermitage, hidden within an enchanting wood

At the end of October 2019 it will be Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio and I just happened to find the perfect hideaway, located in England’s midlands. If you’re done with being zapped with urban 5G beams, escape to this secluded wooded escarpment because this cave is just what you need.

It looks like the windows may have been carved out. It is certainly a peaceful hideaway. Legend has it, that a baker from Derby had a dream in which the virgin Mary told him to go to this location and worship God. So he came here and stayed for 20 years.


Getting Here

The cave is situated between Derby and Ilkeston by the ruins of Dale Abbey. It’s easily accessible from a path located off Potato Pit Lane, there’s an area for parking. Go through the gate which leads across a field making sure you lock the gate as cattle are in the field. After the second gate there will be steps heading up to the cave. You can also get here from Dale Abbey.

To visit the village which is off the A6096 (Derby to Ilkeston). In Dale Abbey village, take road opposite the Carpenter’s Arms, left at road fork. Rail: Derby (approximately 7 miles). Bus: the ‘Ilkeston Flyer ‘ stops on request at the turning for Dale Abbey (approximately 0.6 miles walk).

Dale Abbey

After spending some ambient time in the cave and if you fancy indulging, the Friar’s Cafe has great home baking! I’m sure the hermit would approve in his former life as a baker! You can also spend time in the abbey ruins, all that remains is a great eastern window which feels like a stargate. The Abbey is on private land and you can view it from the footpath. If you want to enter the site contact in advance Dr Allen and Reverend Allen for access.


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