Heavenly Acoustics

Església Sant Miquel d’Olèrdola

This exquisite church is located inland from Vilanova i la Geltrú, south of Barcelona and situated on the limestone precipice of mountain of Olèrdola. This strategic location with views across Catalunya for miles, has been occupied since the bronze age.

Within the walls of the medieval citadel is an unassuming yet most remarkable Romanesque church, dedicated to Saint Michael and built around the mountain’s rock surface.

Immediately as you enter the church you already feel incredibly peaceful, then after chanting a feeling of bliss permeates through every cell of your being. The masons which built this church must have been genius’ of sound because the acoustics really are soul stirring. Forget about Saint Michael slaying dragons, any dragon would be completely enchanted into a trance by the singing emanating from this church. You can clearly hear sounds resounding from within the church, when standing at the boundary wall of the site.

Within the citadel is also a reconstruction of a Bronze Age rock shelter, roman cistern, watchtower, ruined medieval castle and necropolis. The Catalan government manages the archaeological site, so there is a €4.50 entrance fee. http://www.macolerdola.cat 

Archeology Museum of Catalunya

08734 San Miguel de Olerdola

Olèrdola, Alt Penedès, Barcelona

Take the A2 going west out of Barcelona. At Vilafranca del Penedès, take the C-15 and head south until Sant Miquel d’Olèrdola. From here it’s a short drive along the BV-2443 to the archaeological site.

Coordinates: Longitude/Latitude 41.304034; 1.709792

Listen to the acoustics

by Ciara | Om Namaha Shivaya

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