Fanny Van Laere

Master Breathworker & Teacher

Fanny is the founder of Instituto Intenacional Bioflow teaching Breathwork to thousands in Latin America.

Fanny trained with Leonard Orr and taught alonside him for many years. She is the co-author of the Manual for Rebirthers 


Fanny’s Talks

Chocolate Lily FES

Chocolate Lily Fritillaria biflora Range of Light Positive qualities: Embodiment and acceptance of basic metabolic functions, especially the reproductive and elimination systems of the body Patterns of imbalance: Lack of awareness of metabolic functions; aversion for...

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Chrysanthemum FES

Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum morifolium FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Able to distinguish higher spiritual identity from temporal personality; transpersonal and transcendent soul expression Patterns of imbalance: Fear of aging and mortality, over-attachment...

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Cherry FES

Cherry Prunus avium Range of Light Positive qualities: Youthful joy and exuberance, feelings of innocence and openness; celebrating the threshold of adolescence; healing and integration of painful experiences in adolescence Patterns of imbalance: Toxic blood or...

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Chamomile FES

Chamomile Matricaria recutita FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Serene, sun-like disposition, emotional balance Patterns of imbalance: Easily upset, moody and irritable, inability to release emotional tension, especially in the stomach or solar plexus...

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