Fanny Van Laere
Master Breathworker & Teacher
Fanny is the founder of Instituto Intenacional Bioflow teaching Breathwork to thousands in Latin America.
Fanny trained with Leonard Orr and taught alonside him for many years. She is the co-author of the Manual for Rebirthers
Fanny’s Talks
Lotus FES
Lotus Nelumbo nucifera FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Expansive and inclusive spirituality, ability to synthesize diverse life experience in service to the spiritual world Patterns of imbalance: Spiritual pride, inflated sense of Self, out of touch with...
Lemon FES
Lemon Citrus limon Range of Light Positive qualities: Ability to integrate expansion and contraction in mental forces of the soul; mental clarity balanced with imaginative and artistic capacities Patterns of imbalance: Mental fatigue or related toxicity in the nervous...
Lavender FES
Lavender Lavandula officinalis FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Spiritual sensitivity, highly refined awareness intact with stable bodily health Patterns of imbalance: Nervous or high-wired energy states, over-stimulation of mental or spiritual forces,...
Larkspur FES
Larkspur Delphinium variegatum FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Charismatic leadership, contagious enthusiasm, joyful service Patterns of imbalance: Leadership distorted by self-aggrandizement or burdensome dutifulness; inability to motivate or inspire others...