Fanny Van Laere
Master Breathworker & Teacher
Fanny is the founder of Instituto Intenacional Bioflow teaching Breathwork to thousands in Latin America.
Fanny trained with Leonard Orr and taught alonside him for many years. She is the co-author of the Manual for Rebirthers
Fanny’s Talks
Sage FES
Sage Salvia officinalis FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Wisdom derived from life experience; ability to assess and understand life process from a higher perspective Patterns of imbalance: Seeing life as ill-fated or undeserved; inability to perceive higher...
Rue Ruta graveolens Range of Light Positive qualities: Internal cohesion and containment of psychic forces; activation of appropriate aspects of soul consciousness according to professional and personal responsibilities Patterns of imbalance: Scattered or confused...
Rosemary FES
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Warm physical presence and mental vitality; healthy embodiment Patterns of imbalance: Forgetfulness or poor learning ability, loosely incarnated in body, lacking physical/etheric warmth,...
Redbud FES
Redbud Cercis occidentalis Range of Light Positive qualities: Acceptance of the natural cycles of maturation and aging; body-soul regeneration based on a positive alignment with life cycles of death and birth Patterns of imbalance: Overly materialistic approach to the...