Fanny Van Laere

Master Breathworker & Teacher

Fanny is the founder of Instituto Intenacional Bioflow teaching Breathwork to thousands in Latin America.

Fanny trained with Leonard Orr and taught alonside him for many years. She is the co-author of the Manual for Rebirthers 


Fanny’s Talks

Spotted Orchid FFE

Dactylorhiza fuchsii Equanimity Orchids are a symbol of perfection and beauty. Spotted orchid flowers display their beauty in minute, exquisite detail. This flower essence is beneficial when there is a tendency to get caught up in the minutiae – the small and precise...

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Silverweed FFE

Potentilla anserina Simplicity The five-petalled yellow flower of Potentilla was a motif used by medieval knights who had achieved mastery over the self. The language of flowers lists the meaning of silverweed as naïveté. Silverweed teaches the merit of cultivating...

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Sea Rocket FFE

Cakile maritima REGENERATION Sea rocket is a salt-tolerant beach plant. Its floating saltwater-resistant seedpod assures its survival. The message of sea rocket is tied in with the message and symbolism of the element of water. Water flows by conforming to the...

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Sea Pink FFE

Armeria maritima Harmony According to folklore, you will always thrive if you have sea pink growing in your garden. Dr Edward Bach, the modern founder of flower essences, imparted the truth that all disease is the result of disharmony or friction between the will of...

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