Fanny Van Laere
Master Breathworker & Teacher
Fanny is the founder of Instituto Intenacional Bioflow teaching Breathwork to thousands in Latin America.
Fanny trained with Leonard Orr and taught alonside him for many years. She is the co-author of the Manual for Rebirthers
Fanny’s Talks
Mountain Forget-Me-Not
Hackelia micrantha Range of Light Positive qualities: Vibrant and dynamic connection with spiritual teachers and guides; deep soul memory of karmic patterns affecting one’s destiny; alignment with soul’s life purpose through higher guidance Patterns of imbalance: Soul...
Morning Glory FES
Ipomoea purpurea FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Sparkling vital force, awake and refreshed; in touch with natural life rhythms Patterns of imbalance: Dull, toxic, or “hung over,” inability to fully enter the body, especially in the morning; addictive or...
Madrone FES
Arbutus menziesii Range of Light Positive qualities: Fullness and abundance of the physical body; ability to receive and enjoy physical nourishment Patterns of imbalance: Severe dieting, non-acceptance of one’s body weight or size; possible history of physical...
Lungwort FES
Mertensia ciliata Range of Light Positive qualities: Reclamation of soul light in the deepest structures of the body; recovery from depression or addiction with new forces of hope and upliftment Patterns of imbalance: Depression registered in the body as physical...