Guidelines For Essence Use
Flower essences also known as flower remedies are more homeopathic than herbal in the way they work, effecting subtle energy levels rather than chemical balance.
Essences aren’t made from plant parts so won’t affect medication but there is a teensy bit of alcohol in them
Essence Use:
First of all, if it’s convenient – relax, get comfortable and lie down or sit first of all. Don’t multi-task!
It’s great if you meditate or even have a guided mediation to listen to. Feel free to download this guided meditation Field of Love from the Downloads page.
Shake the essence bottle. Flower and vibrational essences are taken by mouth, which means taking the essence bottle dropper and placing drops under the tongue or in a small glass of water.
For the optimum effect take 7 drops, 3 times per day until the bottle is finished.
Alternatively put 14 drops into a large glass bottle of spring water and sip continually throughout the day.
After you’ve taken the essence take long and deep breaths inhaling and exhaling through your nose. You may feel tingling or a light sensation in your body, it may be in one place or it may move, this is perfectly fine. Everyone is different so you may not feel this.
Individual experiences with essences will vary. Sometimes there may be strong reaction, emotional or sensations. If this becomes extremely uncomfortable reduce the amount of drops you take. If you get a rash stop taking the essence for a few days and when you restart taking the essence only take one drop for a few days, then progress to two drops, building up an additional drop every few days.
Essences are a catalyst for change – they do not create change by themselves. You are always in control and have free will.
The way essences work is – whatever does not resonate with the qualities of the plant comes up to be released. For instance, a positive quality of a flower might be courage and perhaps you may experience negative thoughts which stop you from moving forward “you’ll just fail, you’re not good enough.” When something comes up journal about it, and we’ll discuss this during our sessions. Write down thoughts, feelings, sensations, visions, memories and fears if they come up.
It’s a good idea to remind yourself of the positive qualities of the individual essences. You can search the EssenceHub for each essence in your formula.
It is possible that it may take a week before you experience feelings or emotions coming up or you could experience them the next day. Please note that individual experiences with essences will vary. Sometimes there may be strong reaction, a feeling or emotion. If this becomes too uncomfortable, reduce the number of drops of the essence you are taking or even just take one drop in the morning and one drop in the evening. You are always in control.
Essences help you to discover how a situation in your life has created your present circumstances. It is possible you may get a memory about something you had forgotten. Everyone processes situations differently, so it is possible that you might just feel uncomfortable for a while and then it shifts. After taking the essence you may find that a circumstance or person that once irritated you doesn’t anymore, depending on the formula you are taking. You may feel calmer and peaceful within, after taking a variety of different essence formulas over a period of a few months.
If you have a day to yourself not working, not care-taking and without disturbances so that you have the privacy to experience difficult emotions you may wish to experience the effects more intensely by taking 2 drops per hour from when you wake up till you go to bed. Alternatively put drops into a glass bottle of spring water and sip throughout the day.
Although any essence may help to remove underlying imbalances and increase your wellbeing, they do not replace medical attention and continue taking any prescribed medication. If you have a concern of any kind you it is recommended that you ALWAYS see a qualified medical practitioner before taking the essence.
If your essence has gone through a magnetic X-ray machine such as airport and security checks you can charge them by rubbing the bottle with crushed sea salt. Also, give them a couple of firm taps with the palm of your hand with the intention to clear any electromagnetic interference.
If you do not consume alcohol or have a severe sensitivity to alcohol:
- Place some very hot water that has been boiled into a cup (a glass may shatter) and put the drops onto the water. The alcohol will evaporate within a few minutes.
- Let the water cool before drinking it. You may still be able to taste the sugars from the alcohol in the water.
- Your formula can be made with vinegar or glycerine as the preservative (but there will be a small amount of alcohol in the original stock essence)
In addition if you buy essences you might like to try the following:
- Putting a drop on the pulse points (wrists, throat, neck, forehead, soles of the feet)
- Putting a few drops on your hands, rub them together and then sweep around the body, a few centimetres above the skin or clothes
- Rub a drop of essence between your palms and then cup your hands near your nose and breathe in the essence as it evaporates
- Rub a drop of essence between your palms and then cup your hands near your nose and breathe in the essence as it evaporates
- Put a few drops into an atomiser or sprayer containing water. Spray around the body or room
- Add a few drops to some massage oil
- Add drops to your bathwater
- Put a few drops into an atomiser or sprayer containing water. Spray around the body or room
- Add a few drops to some massage oil
- Add drops to your bathwater
- If using the essence instead of a crystal or similar item, put drops of the essence onto pieces of tissue of cotton wool and place on or around the body