Code of Ethics & Code of Practice


The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to ensure that Rebirthing Breathworkers maintain the highest level of responsibility in their practice. Ethical standards include such values as integrity, competence, confidentiality and responsibility.

  1. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners never take on clients solely for financial gain.
  2. When Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners offer treatment without payment of a fee they work under the same professional obligation to the client as when a fee is paid.
  3. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners consider that it is their responsibility as practitioners to monitor and maintain their own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health to the best of their ability.
  4. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners respect clients as autonomous human beings able to make their own decisions in the light of their own values and beliefs.
  5. Practitioners and Apprentice Practitioners are committed to increasing their personal development and self-awareness.
  6. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners are willing to make referrals to other practitioners as appropriate.
  7. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners are responsible for ensuring that the satisfaction of their own emotional needs is not dependent upon relationships with their clients.
  8. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners must take all reasonable steps to ensure client safety.


The Code of Practice is a way of informing the public of what they can expect from a Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner. It describes the boundaries between personal and professional relationships.

  1. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners inform clients as appropriate about their relevant training and experience.
  2. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners clarify with clients the number and duration of sessions, fees and method of payment in advance.
  3. Clients will be informed that they have a right to say “no” at any time to anything proposed or undertaken by their Practitioner and Initiate Practitioner.
  4. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners have a responsibility to establish whether their clients are currently receiving medical, psychiatric or other treatment and will gain the client’s permission before consulting the other professional(s) concerned.
  5. The Practitioners / Initiate Practitioner and client relationship is by nature confidential. No confidential information will be revealed about the client without his or her permission, except to those people on whom the Practitioner and Apprentice Practitioner rely for professional support and supervision. The Practitioner has a duty to ensure all information is kept confidential and abide by UK data protection laws.
  6. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners always retain the right not to work with any individual if they so choose.
  7. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners maintain a distinct boundary between a professional working relationship within sessions and any other relationship with a client.
  8. Practitioners and Initiate Practitioners consider the use of their professional relationship with a client to establish any kind of sexual contact with them to be highly unethical. This applies both within and without the therapeutic session. Sexual activity with or sexual advances towards a client during any therapeutic session would always be considered unethical.

It’s not just about the BREATH, it’s about your whole life.


  • Breath Mastery

  • Mind Mastery

  • Body Mastery

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