by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
Helps release regrets and sadness about loss; eases life transitions (the end of child-rearing days, retirement, moving away from a long-term home); lessens self-destructive examinations of past mistakes and lightens deep wishes that everything was different; helps...
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
An essence for joy, uplift and openheartedness; helps lessen depression, loneliness, shyness and worry.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For lightness and gentle cleansing; helps to lift winter depression; for those who are weighed down with troubles.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
Helps us identify more easily with happiness and feeling good; eases grumpiness, negativity, low expectations and fears that things will go wrong; eases fear of the dark.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
Helps the personality bring in and assemble previously suppressed or edited-out information due to childhood punishments; supports recovery from strict, harsh or unconscious indoctrination, such as when a child only receives love when acting in certain ways; good for...
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For specific times in life when important and life-altering decisions require the guidance and wisdom of the sages.