Haleakala Moon

For journeying into the dark side of the self; for deep transformational work in groups and deep inner self-confrontation aimed at change; helps us accept and respect differences of opinion; for those who hide in groups or fear showing themselves to others....

Blue Ginger

Calming and warming; for cold, distant and aloof personalities; for those who were not nurtured as children or who have learned to be distant to feel safe; uplifts chakra 2; an essence for anxiety and for those who are overly analytical....

Blue Thunbergia

Creates movement in the heart center; use when undernourishment and abandonment in childhood result in the following personality imbalances – a chip on the shoulder, cruelty, selfishness, despair, heavy-heartedness; for those who were taught not to cry and those...


For experiencing the sacredness of all life; helps us feel blessed and grateful during major transitions or strife; for peace and security during the transition out of the body; for those who fear out-of-body experiences. https://deltagardens.com/collections

Awopuhi Ginger

Aligns with the heart chakra and supports purity of thought; for those who seek celibacy out of fear of not being able to create healthy relationships with the self and others; for those who fear intimacy and choose to be aloof; relieves resentment of others’...

Banyan Tree

Provides powerful grounding and protection to the physical body during expansion experiences; carries strong elephant energy; helpful for dementia; promotes ancestral healing; strengthens bones and joints. https://deltagardens.com/collections