by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Betrayal Set, Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
Helps us recover trust when we are betrayed by a partner or close friend; for sexual betrayal; for use in incest recovery or couples therapy.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Betrayal Set, Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For healing the primary wounds of betrayal by father or father figure.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Betrayal Set, Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For betrayals that are group or spiritual in nature; when hurt has been incurred in the name of the divine; helps reopen the heart .
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Betrayal Set, Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For later stages of recovery; harmonizes the relationship of chakra two with other chakras; for developing spiritual trust.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
Helps us on the path of self discovery; for lack of clarity or discernment leading to fears related to empowerment; for those afraid to explore their own power; for fear of discovering the authentic self; eases fear of change; creates a connection and movement between...
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub, Medicinal Set
Offers angelic-like energy that lifts, grounds and penetrates; eases heavy feelings in the solar plexus; promotes emotional release and imparts a feeling of sweetness and stability; provides a sense of balance to the elderly; helps with dizziness, fear of heights,...