Habanero Pepper

Holds us in connection to the physical during emotional work; prevents separation, drifting, vertigo; promotes clarity and presence, at the same time allowing movement of repressed feelings. https://deltagardens.com/collections

Hemp Agrimony

Enhances the awareness of the interconnectedness of all things through the heart; eases feelings and perceptions of aloneness and disconnectedness. Brings about awareness of negative memories that caused disconnection.  Works with 1st chakra to connect to the earth,...


Allows old, recurring thoughts to come forward for action, release or manifestation; helps us feel more power to act and discard patterns of obsessive thinking. Feeling stuck can’t move forward, helps face the issue causing this. Brings confidence....


Helps release old patterns; cleanses the mental body of subconscious debris; supports those developing new habits or resolutions; eases obsession. https://deltagardens.com/collections

Gravel Root

Helps those who suffer from loneliness or fear being alone; helps with anxiety over friendships and relationships. Resurfaces repressed energies of trauma. Use later in the essence journey and you need support and an ability to process deep and painful feelings....