
Helps those who resist the things that cannot be changed; helps with a general ease in life; good for fear of change and aging.

Red Pine

For those who waver in allegiance or are indecisive; helps with commitment, loyalty and certainty.

Red Oak

Helps us experience the totality of our being; good for those who feel narrow or fearful of exploring new talents, horizons or aspects of the self; a good complement to many expansive therapies.

Red Cedar

Provides stability to the wandering soul; imparts strength and wisdom to the soul-tested psyche; supports those who have changed jobs, residences or schools; good for children who are leaving home for the first time; eases turbulence in the stomach region....


Helps lighten those who are very serious; assists those who are recovering the ability to express joy and playfulness; good for children who are high achievers.


For developing insight and understanding of issues we are struggling with; deepens spiritual awareness; helps spiritually-minded people with balance and integrity.