Exhaltation Essence FFE

Exaltation was made at one Gemini full moon meditation in Universal Hall, Findhorn. We had been asked to bring a flower to the meditation, which was led by Eileen Caddy. As we gave our flower offering, we sent out a prayer and spoke a blessing into the world. Flowers...

Ether Essence FFE

Ether elemental essence works at the level of the 5th or throat chakra, as well as the 6th or ajna chakra and 7th or crown chakra, and exists as quintessential life force. It concerns the expression of the consciousness. The ether element and therefore the essence...

Air Essence FFE

Air elemental essence works at the level of the 4th or heart chakra, as well as the 5th or throat chakra and upholds the intuition, and the expression of unconditional love, sympathy, emotional independence and personal refinement. The air element and therefore the...

Fire Essence FFE

Fire elemental essence works at the level of the 3rd or solar plexus chakra and stimulates aspiration towards the ideals of the soul through self-confidence, enthusiasm, optimism, passion and the desire to help others. The fire element and therefore the essence...

Water Essence FFE

Water elemental essence works at the level of the 2nd or sacral chakra and nurtures love of family, friends and one’s group. It fosters empathy, sensitivity and tenderness and the power to create harmonious emotional relationships. The water element and therefore the...