Wisteria ABFE

This Essence is for women who are uncomfortable with their sexuality. They may be unable to relax and enjoy sex, or afraid of physical intimacy and/or sensuality. Wisteria is included in the Sexuality Essence Combination for it is especially beneficial for those who...

Wild Potato Bush

An excellent remedy for anyone feeling burdened or frustrated by any physical restriction or limitation with their body. This Essence brings about a sense of renewed enthusiasm, freedom and the ability to move on in life. It is especially for those who feel heavy and...

Wedding Bush

This Essence is excellent for commitment, whether in relationships, employment, the family or personal goals. It can be of great benefit for a relationship when one or both individuals are uncertain if they wish to work through the issues their partner is bringing up...

Turkey Bush

Calytrix exstipulata I made this Essence in Katherine Gorge, at the top end of Australia. This region contains the world’s oldest known continuous artwork in the form of Aboriginal rock paintings. It is appropriate that the Essence was made here as it is for...


Telopea speciosissima Waratah is for the person who is going through the ‘black night of the soul’ and is in utter despair. It gives them the strength and courage to cope with their crisis and will bring their survival skills to the fore. This remedy will...

Tall Yellow Top

This Essence is for alienation. There is no feeling of connection or sense of belonging to family, workplace, country, self, etc. Often as a consequence of this alienation the head, or intellect, takes over from the heart. As many people have been in this state for a...