Moonshadow Sunflower

For those who fear mediocrity; helps us manifest our inner self into form; grounds spiritual impulses and supports spiritual leadership; helps to balance spiritual-intellectual types; for attracting spiritual teachers and companions....

Star of Love Masterwort

Masterwort, Astrantia Roma Balance of creative activity and calm Masterwort helps us with pacing in our creative endeavors so we take the time to assimilate the learning from our creative efforts as well as rest and reflect before the next big push. This is a balance...

Ligularia DG

For fear of emotions; promotes the development of emotional intelligence and the feminine side *Note: Ligularia has petals. Do not take this essence with non-petaled essences in the Daisy Set

Bellis Perennis

Generates a feeling of safety in relationships; for those who subconsciously sabotage friendships and relationships The Second Chakra Set requires special training to use effectively and is only recommended for Delta Gardens practitioners.

Yellow Cowslip Orchid

Yellow is the colour that symbolises the intellect and the element of Air. This orchid has a very social and gregarious nature and is commonly found growing in clusters. The element of Air is very concerned with social order, group activity and harmony. When out of...

White Spider Orchid

Caladenia logicauda Overwhelmed by sadness of life creating nervousness and anxiety. Encourages energy and spiritual protection for oversensitivity of the gentle soul and a wider more philosophical worldview.