by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | EssenceHub, Findhorn Essences
Helps those who are overprotective; balances attitudes about freedom and control; eases fear of aloneness.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
Provides angelic relief to deep worry and anxiety; steadies the high-strung or overexcited psyche; helps balance cycles of work, play and rest.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
Helps those who wish to change but cannot; helps the transformation of ingrained, lifelong beliefs that no longer serve us; eases the hardening of fear that clings to untenable ideas and positions.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
Helps lighten those who are very serious; assists those who are recovering the ability to express joy and playfulness; good for children who are high achievers.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For developing insight and understanding of issues we are struggling with; deepens spiritual awareness; helps spiritually-minded people with balance and integrity.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | EssenceHub, Findhorn Essences
ELF CUP LICHEN Cladonia coccifera Liberation Lichens are a combination of fungi and algae growing together in symbiosis. Most lichens live from the air. They are very sensitive to pollution, making them natural monitors of air quality, and are also resistant to...