Yarrow FES

Yarrow Achillea millefolium FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Luminous and strong auric field, compassionate and inclusive sensitivity, refined and flexible psychic forces Patterns of imbalance: Extreme vulnerability to others and to the environment; easily...

Violet FES

Violet Viola odorata FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Delicate, highly perceptive sensitivity, elevated spiritual perspective; socially responsive but self-contained Patterns of imbalance: Profound shyness, cool and aloof, fear of being submerged in groups...

Trumpet Vine FES

Trumpet Vine Campsis tagliabuana FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Articulate and colorful in verbal expression; active, dynamic projection of oneself in social situations Patterns of imbalance: Lack of vitality or soul force in expression; inability to be...

Trillium FES

Trillium Trillium chloropetalum FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Secure sense of personal welfare and financial well-being; ability to serve and give to others Patterns of imbalance: Distortions in survival chakra, fear due to materialistic emphasis, greed for...

Tansy FES

Tansy Tanacetum vulgare FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Decisive and goal-oriented, purposeful in action, self-directed mastery and achievement Patterns of imbalance: Lethargy, procrastination, inability to take straightforward action; habits which undermine...

Sticky Monkeyflower FES

Sticky Monkeyflower Mimulus aurantiacus FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Balanced integration of human warmth and sexual intimacy; ability to express deep feelings of love and connectedness in sexual relationships Patterns of imbalance: Repressed sexual...