Five Corners

Five Corners Essence resolves low self-esteem, lack of confidence and diminished self-love. This tall, proud shrub gets its name from its fruit which has five corners – and this corresponds with the anatomical position of a body with arms and legs spread, and the...

Christmas Bell

Christmas Bell is an erect perennial herb which is frequently found in the Hawkesbury Sandstone country of NSW in the low open heaths or swamps. It grows up to 60cm high with a crowd of yellow tipped, red fused, tubed flowers at the top. Christmas Bell’s flowering...


Lobelia gibbosa This amazing flower grows in the alpine region of Australia. Viewed from one angle, it has the appearance of a ‘fleur-de-lis’. The Essence is for reaching one’s own spiritual truth by cutting through any confusion or misinformation, ie. helping one...

Ancient Yew

Taxus Emergence The yew is the longest-lived tree in the world, dating back two hundred million years. It is a symbol of everlasting life and perpetual renewal and transformation. Ancient yew flower essence can assist in letting go of whatever is standing in the way...

Yerba Santa FES

Yerba Santa Eriodictyon californicum FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Free-flowing emotion, ability to harmonize breathing with feeling; capacity to express a full range of human emotions, especially pain and sadness; positive melancholy and soul depth Patterns...

Zinnia FES

Zinnia Zinnia elegans FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Childlike playfulness and curiosity, detached perspective on Self, sense of humor Patterns of imbalance: Over-serious and dull, lack of spontaneity or humor; overly somber selfidentity; workaholic...