Laurel FFE

Prunus lusitanica Resourcefulness Garlands of laurel, as symbols of excellence and victory, were used to crown poets, musicians, and athletes at the first Olympic games. This custom endures in expressions such as Nobel laureate. The priestesses of Delphi used laurel...

Ladys Mantle FFE

Alchemilla vulgaris Awareness Lady’s Mantle’s Latin name, Alchemilla, is derived from the ancient alchemists who prized the dew that collected in its leaves and they believed to have magical properties. It could be said that flower essences, in their method of...

Iona Pennywort FFE

Umbilicus rupestris Transparency Pennywort is still used to treat a wide range of skin conditions and as a homeopathic remedy for ailments from suppressed emotions. This essence was prepared on the island of Iona. Iona pennywort essence helps to penetrate the darkness...

Holy Thorn FFE

Crataegus Acceptance According to legend, the Glastonbury Thorn grew from a wooden staff said to have belonged to Jesus, when Joseph of Arimathea struck it into the ground. As well as flowering in spring, it flowers again at the Winter Solstice. Hawthorn is an...

Hazel FFE

Corylus avellana Freedom The virtues of the hazel are legendary. It is a tree associated with wisdom and is supposed to have the power to bestow knowledge, creativity and inspiration. Hazel opens the way to journey to the source from where creative energy springs...

Harebell FFE

Campanula rotundifolia Alignment Harebell is a medicinal herb that has been used for a variety of ailments, including depression. The flower is attributed with the qualities of delicacy and sweetness, and in the language of flowers with resignation, grief and...