Hawthorn FES

Crataegus oxyacantha Range of Light Positive qualities: Strong and vital bodily forces that impart power, courage and bravery; positive assertive forces Patterns of imbalance: Overly strong will that depletes heart balance; “Type A” aggressive, hostile personality;...

Green Rein Orchid

Platanthera sparsiflora Range of Light Positive qualities: Ability to feel the life force of the earth within one’s soul being; heart consciousness as a pathway to ecological consciousness Patterns of imbalance: Abstract beliefs in ecology or social change that is not...

Green Nicotiana

Nicotiana alata Range of Light Positive qualities: Awareness of the heart beat of the earth as a sustaining force for humanity; alignment with the breathing pulse of the earth in one’s own soul (such as seasonal rhythms and alternation of day and night) Patterns of...

Green Cross Gentian

Frasera speciosa Range of Light Positive qualities: Courageous soul alignment with the living being of the earth; hope and resolve for world service and healing despite setbacks or challenges Patterns of imbalance: Feelings of overwhelm, despair and defeat with regard...

Green Bells of Ireland

Moluccella laevis Range of Light Positive qualities: Awareness of the elemental world in Nature; ability to work with elemental nature forces through one’s own bodily matrix; Nature wisdom acquired through direct sensory experience Patterns of imbalance: Overly...

Glassy Hyacinth

Triteleia lilacina Range of Light Positive qualities: Redemption of suffering; transformation of emotional darkness into the light of soul understanding; resurrection forces of soul triumph Patterns of imbalance: Profound trauma, sorrow, emotional pain; inability to...