by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For remembering joys of the past; helps to ease depression; can clear the etheric counterpart to protozoa overgrowth.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For letting go of sadness lodged in past loss; can clear the etheric counterpart to protozoa overgrowth.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub, Medicinal Set
For those who feel loneliness or separation from others and the world; can clear the etheric counterpart to protozoa overgrowt.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For children who are confused, obsessed or upset with any aspect of their own physical nature.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
For releasing thought forms that anchor obsessions; for ending relationships; can clear the etheric counterpart to protozoa overgrowth.
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Delta Gardens, EssenceHub
Enhances connection to mother; for mothers and children who do not resonate; for children whose mothers were stressed during pregnancy.