Bushy Violet Aster

Helps to lessen fear at the threshold; eases confusion and the denial of death; for fear of being lost, alone or forsaken; helps release attachments to fear. https://deltagardens.com/collections

Bushy White Aster

Purifies the emotional body of desires; eases lust, greed and wanting and lessens any orientation towards materialism; assuages spiritual fears. https://deltagardens.com/collections

Sweet Annie

For releasing heavy thought forms of victimization; can clear the etheric counterpart to protozoa overgrowth. Helps release blocks and trauma related to our feminine side; especially useful for people whose families disrespected or mistreated women; addresses fears...

Silver Mound

For releasing over-attachment or obsession with the material aspects of the world; can clear the etheric counterpart to protozoa overgrowth. https://deltagardens.com/collections