Downy Avens FES

Downy Avens Geum triflorum Range of Light Positive qualities: Intelligence that is integrated in head and heart; enduring wisdom derived from incremental development of soul forces; patient and progressive cultivation of thinking forces with over-all soul identity...

Desert Lily FES

Desert Lily Hesperocallis undulata Range of Light Positive qualities: Ability to radiate beauty, artistry and grace within a mechanized urban environment; rejuvenation of self and others through feminine soul forces of beauty and grace; feminine water element of the...

Chocolate Lily FES

Chocolate Lily Fritillaria biflora Range of Light Positive qualities: Embodiment and acceptance of basic metabolic functions, especially the reproductive and elimination systems of the body Patterns of imbalance: Lack of awareness of metabolic functions; aversion for...

Cherry FES

Cherry Prunus avium Range of Light Positive qualities: Youthful joy and exuberance, feelings of innocence and openness; celebrating the threshold of adolescence; healing and integration of painful experiences in adolescence Patterns of imbalance: Toxic blood or...

California Peony FES

California Peony Paeonia californica Range of Light Positive qualities: Celebration of life; healthy instinct for pleasure; cultivation of magnetic and charismatic soul forces through integration with the vital forces in the lower chakras Patterns of imbalance:...

Blazing Star FES

Blazing Star Mentzelia laevicaulis Range of Light Positive qualities: Radiant and inwardly vital will forces; masculine soul forces developed from an inner foundation of nurturing life forces; alchemical union of feminine water and masculine fire soul elements...