by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Flower Essence Society, Quintessentials
Mariposa Lily Calochortus leichtlinii FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Maternal consciousness, warm, feminine and nurturing; mother-child bonding, positive connection to mother and similar female figures Patterns of imbalance: Alienated from mother or from...
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Flower Essence Society, Quintessentials
Manzanita Arctostaphylos viscida FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Joyous embodiment, spiritual identity integrated with the physical body Patterns of imbalance: Estranged from the earthly world; aversion or revulsion toward the body and physical world; eating...
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Flower Essence Society, Quintessentials
Mallow Sidalcea glaucescens FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Warm and personable, open-hearted sharing, trust in social process Patterns of imbalance: Insecure in relationships, paralysis in reaching out to others, resulting in social barriers...
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Flower Essence Society, Quintessentials
Madia Madia elegans FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Precise thinking, disciplined focus and concentration Patterns of imbalance: Easily distracted, inability to concentrate, splintered activity that is unproductive
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Flower Essence Society, Quintessentials
Lotus Nelumbo nucifera FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Expansive and inclusive spirituality, ability to synthesize diverse life experience in service to the spiritual world Patterns of imbalance: Spiritual pride, inflated sense of Self, out of touch with...
by Ciara | 16 Jun, 2018 | Flower Essence Society, Quintessentials
Lavender Lavandula officinalis FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Spiritual sensitivity, highly refined awareness intact with stable bodily health Patterns of imbalance: Nervous or high-wired energy states, over-stimulation of mental or spiritual forces,...