Fawn Lily

Erythronium purpurascens FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Involvement in the social fabric of the world; ability to share one’s spiritual gifts with others Patterns of imbalance: Withdrawal, isolation, self-protection; overly delicate or mystical, lacking the...

Fairy Lantern

Calochortus albus FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Healthy maturation; acceptance of adult responsibilities, positive integration of “child” identity Patterns of imbalance: Immaturity, helplessness, neediness, childish dependency; unable to take responsibility...

Explorer’s Gentian

Gentiana calycosa Range of Light Positive qualities: Renewed strength for meeting one’s life purpose and spiritual destiny; transforming crisis and loss into new opportunities Patterns of imbalance: World-weariness at mid-life; loss of connection with one’s spiritual...

Dune Primrose

Oenothera deltoides  Range of Light Positive qualities: Connection with a nurturing maternal presence in the spiritual world; soul memory of the spiritual radiance of being born; awareness and gratitude for those beings who have guided the soul’s incarnation into...

Corn Lily

Veratrum californicum Range of Light Positive qualities: Developing a positive picture of the aging process in women; dignity and self-containment; acceptance and celebration of the wisdom and dignity of maturity; celebration of fullness in body and life Patterns of...

Columbine FES

Aquilegia formosa Range of Light Positive qualities: Radiant expression of one’s unique creativity and inspiration; distinctive individuality as a source of luminosity and radiance for others; inspired acting and speaking in the world Patterns of imbalance: Hesitation...