Indian Paintbrush FES

Indian Paintbrush Castilleja miniata FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Lively, energetic creativity, exuberant artistic activity Patterns of imbalance: Low vitality and exhaustion, difficulty rousing physical forces to sustain the intensity of creative work;...

Hyssop FES

Hyssop Agastache urticifolia Range of Light Positive qualities: Body-Soul integration of pain and suffering; ability to forgive and to accept forgiveness from others Patterns of imbalance: Body-based guilt or shame, self-punishment or mutilation directed consciously...

Hibiscus FES

Hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Warmth and responsiveness in sexuality; integration of soul warmth and bodily passion Patterns of imbalance: Inability to enjoy sexual experience; lack of warmth and vitality, often due to prior...

Green Rose FES

Green Rose Rosa chinensis viridiflora Range of Light Positive qualities: Compassion as the doorway of connection to all living beings; love as a form of transcendent embrace and trust Patterns of imbalance: Fear, mistrust, defensiveness; fear of being attacked or...

Golden Ear Drops FES

Golden Ear Drops Ehrendorferia chrysantha FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Ability to remember and understand core experiences that define emotional history; nourishment and insight from past experiences Patterns of imbalance: Suppressed toxic memories of...

Goldenrod FES

Goldenrod Solidago californica FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Strong and secure sense of individuality, balanced with group or social consciousness Patterns of imbalance: Overly influenced by group or cultural ties; inability to be true to oneself, easily...