Shasta Lily FES

Shasta Lily Lilium washingtonianum Range of Light Positive qualities: Dynamic and creative expression of feminine soul forces; individuality and internal strength in alignment with core feminine soul values Patterns of imbalance: Difficulty balancing feminine grace...

Shasta Daisy FES

Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum superbum FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Mandalic or holistic consciousness, ability to synthesize disparate ideas into a living wholeness Patterns of imbalance: Over-intellectualization of reality, especially seeing information as...

Scarlet Fritillary FES

Scarlet Fritillary Fritillaria recurva Range of Light Positive qualities: Integration of masculine fire forces within the feminine matrix; sexual vitality and reproductive health Patterns of imbalance: Exhaustion of vital forces including anemic tendencies; depletion...

Saguaro FES

Saguaro Carnegiea gigantea FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Awareness of what is ancient and sacred, a sense of tradition or lineage; ability to learn from elders Patterns of imbalance: Conflict with images of authority, sense of separateness or alienation from...

Sage FES

Sage Salvia officinalis FES Quintessentials Positive qualities: Wisdom derived from life experience; ability to assess and understand life process from a higher perspective Patterns of imbalance: Seeing life as ill-fated or undeserved; inability to perceive higher...


Rue Ruta graveolens Range of Light Positive qualities: Internal cohesion and containment of psychic forces; activation of appropriate aspects of soul consciousness according to professional and personal responsibilities Patterns of imbalance: Scattered or confused...