Mayapple GW

Mayapple, there are times in your life where you find yourself at a crossroads, either unsure of which direction to walk and/or wanting to understand your innermost self more so that you find clarity. Use Mayapple essence with the intention of journeying to connect to...

Red Elderberry GW

Elder Tree is the keeper of the Fairy realms and is therefore full of joy and delight, magic and play. You can use this Essence in a multitude of ways. One is you can use this to enhance a shamanic journey to meet your plant/tree ally that is always with you,...

Moonlight Red Cedar GW

Moonlight Red Cedar, collected in the Moonlight, this Lunar Red Cedar essence helps you to open and receive support from the Earth and the Cosmos. You can use this before you embark on a Shamanic journey to keep you safe and protected or once you are complete if you...

Angels Trumpet GW

Angels Trumpet, collected in the Moonlight and Sunrise, Angel’s Trumpet essence contains the codes that keep you present and connected to your body while huge transition is occurring. As you ingest this essence, you will feel and know the strength of your own body,...

White Fur GW

White Fir is for grounding and deep transformation. This Tree Essence clears blocks and fears to allow in more of a Conscious Connection to the Light of Love. White Fir will assist you in transmuting your life stories into lessons learned while purifying your thoughts...