Cakile maritima
Sea rocket is a salt-tolerant beach plant. Its floating saltwater-resistant seedpod assures its survival. The message of sea rocket is tied in with the message and symbolism of the element of water. Water flows by conforming to the requirements of the environment and can change its course at a moment’s notice. Sea rocket’s message is to allow our emotions to adapt in balance and harmony to the currents of life.
Life often places many demands on us. Work-life balance is a fine line between meeting those demands and responsibilities, and feeling overloaded or stressed. Stress is the body’s way of responding to any demand, but if the pressure becomes too great you can become overwhelmed. You may feel powerless in being able to create what you want and overcompensate, looking outside of yourself for creative solutions. As your focus and attention becomes dispersed, a flood of emotions in response to stress-related influences may make you feel as though your body, mind and emotions are out of control.
Sea rocket flower essence helps you to recognise that you have an innate capability to adapt to changing circumstances and environments, and this adaptability is an inherent power of the creative force. Instead of being tossed back and forth by the waves of circumstance, sea rocket helps you to be aware of and responsive to your own needs, to know that you have within you the resources to meet the need and to make the most of what you have been given.
By welcoming and allowing the abundant flow of life energy through every part of your being you can achieve greater mental and emotional stability. Trusting that all needs can, and will, be perfectly met is the natural outcome.
Use your resources wisely. Release insecurity and the desire to hold on. Connect to your source, and trust in your powers to adapt and thrive.
◗ Be flexible and maximise functioning
◗ Make the most of available resources in the situation you are facing
◗ Adapt to change, succeed and flourish
◗ Balance of holding on and letting go
◗ Inner security, stability and constancy
◗ Helping build a sense of self that’s resilient and strong
◗ Insecurity creates the need to hold on to control
◗ Overcompensation, dominance and over striving
◗ Changeable, unpredictable, fluctuating moods
◗ Energy retention and congestion leading to depletion
◗ Self-devaluation when you don’t meet up to your own expectations
◗ Easily overwhelmed by your responsibilities
Affirmation: I trust in universal abundance. I give and receive freely.
Cross Reference
Change Ι Clarity Ι Control Ι Creativity Ι Discipline Ι Energy Ι Faith Ι Feminine principle
Fertility Ι Habit patterns Ι Holding on Ι Insecurity Ι Manifestation Ι Materialism Ι Mood swing
Nurturing Ι Perseverance Ι Prosperity Ι Rejuvenation Ι Security Ι Separation Ι Shadow self
Trust Ι Victim