Umbilicus rupestris
Pennywort is still used to treat a wide range of skin conditions and as a homeopathic remedy for ailments from suppressed emotions. This essence was prepared on the island of Iona.
Iona pennywort essence helps to penetrate the darkness by shining soul light on a problem that you are hiding, denying, or covering up. Light protects from darkness and also lets you see what is real and what is imaginary.
Personal weaknesses, shortcomings and instincts contained deep in the unconscious mind can be repressed and denied. Shame, guilt, self-judgment and ‘beating yourself up’ are consequences of denying the shadow side of yourself. The psychologist
Carl Jung said, in relation to the shadow self, ‘what you resist, persists’. His research revealed that whatever you are resisting about yourself takes energy and that constant resistance could fracture the psyche or ego.
Through conscious recognition of the ‘shadow’ parts of yourself you can recognise illusions the mind has created to avoid facing yourself truthfully. When the mind is caught up in illusion it can appear to be real, so illusion cannot be dispelled by the mind alone. This flower essence may help to bring in the light of awareness.
The discriminating mind conjoined with the soul’s light of wisdom can dispel the fogs that cloud your consciousness. You realise that the darkness co-exists as part of the whole. The truth comes to light when light is shone on the truth.
Live with integrity in the light of truth. Banish guilt, self-judgement, and fear. Let light illuminate the dark corners of your mind.
◗ Bring in the light of self-conscious awareness
◗ Clear judgement and discernment
◗ Acknowledge and integrate all aspects of the self
◗ Truthfully face what you would rather avoid or ignore
◗ Accept and integrate your ‘shadow’ self
◗ Master your inner fears and demons
◗ Repressed, irrational fears
◗ Denial of your shadow side
◗ Fog of illusion between your psyche and the real world
◗ Repression of your shortcomings and weaknesses
◗ Fear that prevents you from seeing the truth
◗ Weaknesses and shortcomings hidden or denied
Affirmation: I acknowledge and respect all aspects of myself. I am light.
Cross Reference
Addiction Ι Avoidance Ι Awareness Ι Darkness Ι Delusion Ι Denial Ι Discipline
Discrimination Ι Delusion Ι Dream and Dreaming Ι Fear Ι Grounding Ι Guilt Ι Habit patterns
Illusion Ι Integration Ι Judgemental Ι Light Ι Nightmare Ι Obsession Ι Polarity Ι Repression
Self-acceptance Ι Self-image Ι Self-sabotage Ι Shadow self Ι Shame Ι Unconscious mind