Angelica archangelica

FES Quintessentials

Positive qualities: Feeling protection and guidance from spiritual beings, especially during threshold experiences such as birth and death, or other life passages

Patterns of imbalance: Feeling cut off, bereft of spiritual guidance and protection; spiritual orphan

Definition: The modern human soul suffers in a way which is unique and tragic, for it must face profound spiritual isolation and separation through living in a materialistically dense and technologically abstract world culture. The Angelica flower essence addresses the soul’s experience of compression and restriction by quickening the thinking and perception processes. The soul becomes more able to perceive and discriminate its connection to the subtle sheaths surrounding the physical world. Angelica especially encourages the individual to develop a relationship with the spiritual world, transforming an overly abstract or intellectual viewpoint into a genuine feeling for spiritual presence and spiritual beings. This awareness is particularly enhanced for that group of spiritual beings who immediately border the human kingdom: the angels. Through a living relationship with the angelic realm, the human soul receives guardianship and guidance in daily affairs, and protection at times of crisis or during threshold experiences. This feeling of being protected and cared for is of enormous importance to the inner life, giving the soul great strength and courage for its work in transforming and healing the world. Angelica is broadly indicated for many flower essence formulas and is particularly important at threshold times such as birth, death, festival celebrations, or other major life passages.

Abandonment Addiction Adolescence Aging
Awareness Brokenheartedness Centeredness Certainty
Children Death and Dying Denial Dreams and Sleep
Egotism Emergency Environment Faith
Fear Grace Harmony Healing Process
Influence Inner Child Insight Lightness
Love Materialism and Money Meditation Perspective
Pregnancy Prejudice Protection Quiet
Receptivity Rejection Sensitivity Soulfulness
Spiritual Emergency or Opening Thinking Toner Trust