ELF CUP LICHEN Cladonia coccifera Liberation Lichens are a combination of fungi and algae growing together in symbiosis. Most lichens live from the air. They are very sensitive to pollution, making them natural monitors of air quality, and are also resistant to radiation. The two organisms, fungi and algae, work as one and need each other to survive. Symbiosis, a term adopted from biology, is a mutually beneficial relationship between two systems. It has been applied in Jungian psychology to describe the co-operative nature of the relationship between the personality or ego, and the self or soul. The premise is that emotional health can be maintained by having conscious awareness of, and strengthening, this relationship. The unconscious mind is composed of hidden aspects of the self that continue to work on consciousness, influencing thought and behaviour although one is mostly not aware of them. These unconscious tendencies can be very powerful and even go against our conscious will. Suppression of the unconscious shadow self will just increase its strength. Lying below the surface, it manifests in a sinister way by triggering memories on deeper levels of awareness. If continually repressed, it grows like a cancer, or inflames the problem, for example, when one suddenly gets very angry. Elf Cup Lichen essence can help you to become clear of your past patterns of reaction. As a reminder that an issue will not just go away if you ignore it, it can help to release and purify negative emotional reactions and detrimental behaviour that cause pain and suffering. As the eminent psychologist Carl Gustav Jung pointed out, integration of the unconscious invariably has a healing effect. Release and clear deep-seated, negative or destructive emotions. Purify the emotional body and make space for positive change and for growth. Attributes ? Dealing with old issues and patterns that can no longer be avoided ? Healthy release of deep-seated emotions ? Creating space for change and growth ? Allowing feelings with a deep sense of acceptance ? Owning disliked parts of yourself ? Becoming clear of your past patterns of reaction Indications ? Deep-seated, imprinted emotional pain or trauma ? Suppressed emotions e.g. anger, sadness, shame or guilt ? Old issues that can no longer be avoided ? Reactive, out of control emotions ? Concealment or suppression of feelings by denial or disapproval ? Difficult to access negative patterns of reaction Affirmation: I cleanse and purify my emotional body of that which no longer serves the whole. Cross Reference Acceptance ? Anger ? Avoidance ? Blocks ? Catharsis ? Cleansing ? Denial ? Frustration Guilt ? Habit patterns ? Integration ? Irritability ? Karma ? Release ? Repression ? Resistance Sexual abuse ? Shadow self ? Shame ? Unconscious mind