
Clematis vitalba “Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life. Quiet people, not really happy in their present circumstances, living more in the future than in the present; living in hopes of happier times when their ideals may come true....


Chicorium intybus Those who are very mindful of the needs of others they tend to be over-full of care for children, relatives, friends, always finding something that should be put right. They are continually correcting what they consider wrong, and enjoy doing so....


Scutellaria lateriflora Increases awareness of our intuitive responses to others; helps us to feel and know another’s point of view; enhances empathy in the healing process.


Pulmonaria officinalis Helps to stengthen the lungs as a vehicle to release trauma, tension and deep feelings, and to bring life energy into the system; a companion to breathwork, rebirthing yoga, kundalini or breathing meditation....

Indian Tobacco

Monotropa uniflora Expands awareness of the presence of universal love; for developing a sensitivity and receptivity to a higher love vibration; helps us see and feel the love in every moment; for stages when we feel unloved....


Aquilegia vulgaris Provides insight into our true identity and highest purpose; helps those who feel uncertain or lost in life’s choices. The 3rd chakra harmonises with the upper chakras.